Elegance in Black, Oil 48x48
Cocktails Under the Clouds, Oil 48x48
Always, Oil 30x40
Take Me There, Oil 48x48
Pink Spun Sugar, Oil 48x48
Watermelon Sunshine, Oil 48 x 48
My Beach, Oil 48x60
Hot Summer Ladies Oil 48 x 48
Wave Watching, Oil 24x30
Twilight Tidepool, Oil 24x36
Quiet Summer Waters, Oil 36 x 36
Early Evening Sail, Oil 48x60
Evening in Black Tide, Oil 60x48
Slow Dancing, Oil 48x48
Spring River, Oil 48x60
Good Night My Bethany
Morning on the Potomac, Oil 30x60
Summer Sailing, Oil 48x48
Home of the Brave, Oil 36x60
Hope, Oil 48x48
Big Sister & Me, Oil 24x36
Summer Drifts, Oil 24x48
You Are My Sunshine, Oil 36x48
He Held My Hand, Oil 24 x 36
Faith, Oil 40x40
Barefoot Just Us, Oil
Our Dreaming, Oil
Sweet Big Sister, Oil 36x48
Just the Two of Us, Oil
Evening Light on the Marshes, Oil 36x48
Morning at Chesapeake Bay, Oil 48x60
Summer Morning, Oil 48x48
Gentle Bethany, Oil 36x48
Beach Afternoon, Oil 24x48
The Tide is In, Oil 36x48
Peaceful Bethany, Oil 36x48
Summer Colors, Oil 48x60
Summer Sails, Oil 24x48
Into the Mist, Oil 36 x 36
Beach Light, Oil 15x30
Taking the Ferry Home, Oil 16x40
Tropical Sunset II, Oil 11x14
Tropical Sunset, Oil 11x14
Tequila Sundown, Oil 16x40
Coral Sunset II, Oil 20x24
Coral Sunset, Oil 20x24
Coral Nightfall, Oil 16x40
Bethany Beach Morning, Oil 15x30
Beach Pinks at Dusk, Oil 36 x 48
Amethyst Skies, Oil 36x48
Chesapeake Bay Nightfall, Oil 36x48
Gentle Waters in Bethany Beach, Oil 11x14
Little Coral Umbrellas, Oil 11x14
Seaglass Waters, Oil 30x48
Bethany Beach Blues, Oil 24x36
Evening Tides, Oil 48x60
Light Over the Bay, Oil 36x48
Softly Sailing, Oil 24x48
People Watching, Oil 30x48
Midnight Lake I, Oil 24x36
Morning on the Bay, Oil 48x60
Top of the Dunes I, Oil 12x12
Top of the Dunes II, Oil 12x12
Twilight, Oil 40x60
Canteloupe Skies, Oil 36x36
Midnight Lake II, Oil 24x36
Tangerine Sails, Oil 30x48
Beach Dream 3, Oil 30x24
Coquina Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Springlight Over the Bay, Oil 30 x 40
Island Sunset, Oil 24x36
Nightfall in Pebble Beach, Oil 24x36
Treasure Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Softly Setting on the River, Oil 24x30
Whelks Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Early Yellow Umbrella, Oil 11x14
From My Beach Chair, Oil 11x14
Silver Lining I, Oil 15x30
Silver Lining II, Oil 15x30
Summer Clouds I, Oil 11x14
Summer Cloud II, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand I, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand II, Oil 11x14
Under the Azure Sky, Oil 18x24
Summer Skydrifts, Oil 12x24
Walking Along the Dunes, Oil 15x30
Summer Morning, Oil 12x24
Evening in the Islands (Oil 30x40)
Golden Shores (Oil 48x48)
I'll Follow the Sun (Oil 48x48)
Beautiful Beach Sunday (Oil 48x60)
Pink Nightfall (Oil 48x60)
Elegance in Black, Oil 48x48
Elegance in Black, Oil 48x48
Cocktails Under the Clouds, Oil 48x48
Cocktails Under the Clouds, Oil 48x48
Always, Oil 30x40
Always, Oil 30x40
Take Me There, Oil 48x48
Take Me There, Oil 48x48
Pink Spun Sugar, Oil 48x48
Pink Spun Sugar, Oil 48x48
Watermelon Sunshine, Oil 48 x 48
Watermelon Sunshine, Oil 48 x 48
My Beach, Oil 48x60
My Beach, Oil 48x60
Hot Summer Ladies Oil 48 x 48
Hot Summer Ladies Oil 48 x 48
Wave Watching, Oil 24x30
Wave Watching, Oil 24x30
Twilight Tidepool, Oil 24x36
Twilight Tidepool, Oil 24x36
Quiet Summer Waters, Oil 36 x 36
Quiet Summer Waters, Oil 36 x 36
Early Evening Sail, Oil 48x60
Early Evening Sail, Oil 48x60
Evening in Black Tide, Oil 60x48
Evening in Black Tide, Oil 60x48
Slow Dancing, Oil 48x48
Slow Dancing, Oil 48x48
Spring River, Oil 48x60
Spring River, Oil 48x60
Good Night My Bethany
Good Night My Bethany
Morning on the Potomac, Oil 30x60
Morning on the Potomac, Oil 30x60
Summer Sailing, Oil 48x48
Summer Sailing, Oil 48x48
Home of the Brave, Oil 36x60
Home of the Brave, Oil 36x60
Hope, Oil 48x48
Hope, Oil 48x48
Big Sister & Me, Oil 24x36
Big Sister & Me, Oil 24x36
Summer Drifts, Oil 24x48
Summer Drifts, Oil 24x48
You Are My Sunshine, Oil 36x48
You Are My Sunshine, Oil 36x48
He Held My Hand, Oil 24 x 36
He Held My Hand, Oil 24 x 36
Faith, Oil 40x40
Faith, Oil 40x40
Barefoot Just Us, Oil
Barefoot Just Us, Oil
Our Dreaming, Oil
Our Dreaming, Oil
Sweet Big Sister, Oil 36x48
Sweet Big Sister, Oil 36x48
Just the Two of Us, Oil
Just the Two of Us, Oil
Evening Light on the Marshes, Oil 36x48
Evening Light on the Marshes, Oil 36x48
Morning at Chesapeake Bay, Oil 48x60
Morning at Chesapeake Bay, Oil 48x60
Summer Morning, Oil 48x48
Summer Morning, Oil 48x48
Gentle Bethany, Oil 36x48
Gentle Bethany, Oil 36x48
Beach Afternoon, Oil 24x48
Beach Afternoon, Oil 24x48
The Tide is In, Oil 36x48
The Tide is In, Oil 36x48
Peaceful Bethany, Oil 36x48
Peaceful Bethany, Oil 36x48
Summer Colors, Oil 48x60
Summer Colors, Oil 48x60
Summer Sails, Oil 24x48
Summer Sails, Oil 24x48
Into the Mist, Oil 36 x 36
Into the Mist, Oil 36 x 36
Beach Light, Oil 15x30
Beach Light, Oil 15x30
Taking the Ferry Home, Oil 16x40
Taking the Ferry Home, Oil 16x40
Tropical Sunset II, Oil 11x14
Tropical Sunset II, Oil 11x14
Tropical Sunset, Oil 11x14
Tropical Sunset, Oil 11x14
Tequila Sundown, Oil 16x40
Tequila Sundown, Oil 16x40
Coral Sunset II, Oil 20x24
Coral Sunset II, Oil 20x24
Coral Sunset, Oil 20x24
Coral Sunset, Oil 20x24
Coral Nightfall, Oil 16x40
Coral Nightfall, Oil 16x40
Bethany Beach Morning, Oil 15x30
Bethany Beach Morning, Oil 15x30
Beach Pinks at Dusk, Oil 36 x 48
Beach Pinks at Dusk, Oil 36 x 48
Amethyst Skies, Oil 36x48
Amethyst Skies, Oil 36x48
Chesapeake Bay Nightfall, Oil 36x48
Chesapeake Bay Nightfall, Oil 36x48
Gentle Waters in Bethany Beach, Oil 11x14
Gentle Waters in Bethany Beach, Oil 11x14
Little Coral Umbrellas, Oil 11x14
Little Coral Umbrellas, Oil 11x14
Seaglass Waters, Oil 30x48
Seaglass Waters, Oil 30x48
Bethany Beach Blues, Oil 24x36
Bethany Beach Blues, Oil 24x36
Evening Tides, Oil 48x60
Evening Tides, Oil 48x60
Light Over the Bay, Oil 36x48
Light Over the Bay, Oil 36x48
Softly Sailing, Oil 24x48
Softly Sailing, Oil 24x48
People Watching, Oil 30x48
People Watching, Oil 30x48
Midnight Lake I, Oil 24x36
Midnight Lake I, Oil 24x36
Morning on the Bay, Oil 48x60
Morning on the Bay, Oil 48x60
Top of the Dunes I, Oil 12x12
Top of the Dunes I, Oil 12x12
Top of the Dunes II, Oil 12x12
Top of the Dunes II, Oil 12x12
Twilight, Oil 40x60
Twilight, Oil 40x60
Canteloupe Skies, Oil 36x36
Canteloupe Skies, Oil 36x36
Midnight Lake II, Oil 24x36
Midnight Lake II, Oil 24x36
Tangerine Sails, Oil 30x48
Tangerine Sails, Oil 30x48
Beach Dream 3, Oil 30x24
Beach Dream 3, Oil 30x24
Coquina Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Coquina Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Springlight Over the Bay, Oil 30 x 40
Springlight Over the Bay, Oil 30 x 40
Island Sunset, Oil 24x36
Island Sunset, Oil 24x36
Nightfall in Pebble Beach, Oil 24x36
Nightfall in Pebble Beach, Oil 24x36
Treasure Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Treasure Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Softly Setting on the River, Oil 24x30
Softly Setting on the River, Oil 24x30
Whelks Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Whelks Shell in the Water, Oil 15x30
Early Yellow Umbrella, Oil 11x14
Early Yellow Umbrella, Oil 11x14
From My Beach Chair, Oil 11x14
From My Beach Chair, Oil 11x14
Silver Lining I, Oil 15x30
Silver Lining I, Oil 15x30
Silver Lining II, Oil 15x30
Silver Lining II, Oil 15x30
Summer Clouds I, Oil 11x14
Summer Clouds I, Oil 11x14
Summer Cloud II, Oil 11x14
Summer Cloud II, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand I, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand I, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand II, Oil 11x14
Barefoot in the Sand II, Oil 11x14
Under the Azure Sky, Oil 18x24
Under the Azure Sky, Oil 18x24
Summer Skydrifts, Oil 12x24
Summer Skydrifts, Oil 12x24
Walking Along the Dunes, Oil 15x30
Walking Along the Dunes, Oil 15x30
Summer Morning, Oil 12x24
Summer Morning, Oil 12x24
Evening in the Islands (Oil 30x40)
Evening in the Islands (Oil 30x40)
Golden Shores (Oil 48x48)
Golden Shores (Oil 48x48)
I'll Follow the Sun (Oil 48x48)
I'll Follow the Sun (Oil 48x48)
Beautiful Beach Sunday (Oil 48x60)
Beautiful Beach Sunday (Oil 48x60)
Pink Nightfall (Oil 48x60)
Pink Nightfall (Oil 48x60)